Where Do I Get A Claim Number?
Will the Parts Be Ordered Before I Drop Off My Vehicle For Repair?
If the Frame of My Vehicle Is Damaged Is It a Total Loss?
Where do you get the Information Needed to Repair My Vehicle?
Can You Match the Paint Color?
How Long Will the Repairs to My Vehicle Take?
Can I Get a Ride Home When I Drop Off My Car?
How Can I Get a Rental Car?
Will I Be Notified When My Car Is Ready?
Is There a Warranty On the Repairs To My Vehicle?
External repairs of your automobile are guaranteed for as long as you own your vehicle; certain rust repairs must be excluded from this guarantee due to their nature.
Parts installed are warranted by their manufacturer.
Refinishing is guaranteed for as long as you own your vehicle, excluding damage caused from unreasonable use or care of the vehicle and rock chips. Mill City Auto Body guarantees a color match on refinishing work with the vehicle’s original finish. Vehicles that have been previously refinished and older model cars that are faded and weathered will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
The extent of the total offer of this guarantee shall not exceed the total cost of the original repair order.
Do I Have To Pay a Deductible?
Who Do I Pay My Deductible To?
What Forms of Payment Do You Accept?
What Are Betterment Charges?
Can I Wash My Car After It Is Repaired?
· Wash the vehicle by hand with cool water and a very mild car wash solution using a soft cloth or sponge.
· Use clean, fresh water.
· Wash your vehicle in the shade.
· Use a commercial car wash. Stiff brushes or sponges could mar the finish and damage the surface.
· “Dry wipe” your vehicle. Dry wiping can scratch the finish.
· Drive on gravel roads. Chipping the finish is easily done in the first 30 days.
· Park under trees and utility lines, which are likely to attract birds. Bird droppings have a high acid con tent and will damage a freshly painted surface. Also, tree sap can mar or spot a freshly painted surface.
· Spill gasoline, oil, antifreeze, transmission fluid or windshield solvent on the new finish.
· Scrape ice or snow from the newly painted surface.